Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tuesday 27/11

dint get enough sleep this few days... awww i so tired!
must go to school during revision week cos i haven't finish my project!!
so this week is just going to class for 1 or 2 hours than go home already~ so bored..
had lunch in school and saw this weird guy talking very loud and sound like ah beng, when i turn over and look


he look like retard!

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his like walking around the whole cafe scolding @#$%$%^$@$ full of nonsense
attention seeker haha!!! he has my attention haha

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so i just join in the fun and disturb him... ask him wat happen who bully u ,etc

headed home to change and meet up with pang chong and guo hao for a movie!
wanted to watch this show The Tattooist but it only shows at vivio~
so we just watch Enchanted
I'm like sian half way already cos i don't really like watching cartoon... like wasting my time..
i never watch a show from cartoon to life... very interesting... 4/5 stars for this show =]

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saw something weird on the Internet

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that's it~ bye bye

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